A review by ddejong
Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and into a Life of Connection and Joy by Aundi Kolber


Aundie seems like a really lovely person and I appreciate the way she is integrating secular principles of therapy/psychology/neurobiology with her Christian faith. This book just didn’t do a lot for me. As someone whose life-long battle with low-grade anxiety and a constant sense of “white-knuckling” it can’t be neatly traced back to anything particular in my family dynamics or childhood experiences, I didn’t walk away with a meaningfully better understanding of how I end up in these thought patterns. I could appreciate some of the “try softer” approaches she shares in the back half of the book but again- they weren’t revelatory or particularly helpful for me. Likely just an example of not being quite the right audience for this message but I’m glad that Aundie’s work seems to have resonated with and helped many other people.