A review by rose_reads33
Fuccboi by Sean Thor Conroe


Honestly struggling to come to a conclusion on how I feel about this book. It’s written in a very unique style (allegedly exactly how the author himself speaks), which I found mostly quite unenjoyable to read stylistically - although that was also something I thought was great about it. It felt so honest and genuine because the author seemingly didn’t care that writing it this way would put people off and he prioritised his style and voice (and the art of that) over reader enjoyment. And I honestly find that quite commendable and the honestly of it hits a button for me. The character was dislikeable a lot of the time, but also funny, and geeky, and downright sweet at times. I was not prepared for how little fucking takes place for this ‘fuccboi’ and how much of a focus there would be on his psoriasis and skin conditions. It branches into fucked up American healthcare system saga in a big way. The literature references are also amazingly varied and they are delivered to the reader with excitement and interest and I find that endearing. I learnt some stuff, I lost some brain cells, I’m intrigued what his next book will be like…