A review by selbear__
The Secret Fiancée by Catharina Maura


The Secret Fiancé Book Spoiler Review

I’ve been waiting MONTHS for this book to come out and sadly Mrs. Maura did not come through for me!!

Here’s a small recap of the beginning before I share my thoughts.

Another Windsor son is next in line for an arranged marriage planned by his grandmother. However, Lexington is three steps ahead. He’s hacked into his grandmother's computer to find the name of the woman that he is set to marry. Raya Lewis, a robotics major at Astor College and daughter of Bob Lewis owner of Lewis Motors company.
Because of Lex’s untrustworthy past, he takes it on himself to meet Raya beforehand to seek out what kind of person she is and he gets all the information he wants from her in the drunkenly form of Truth or Dare.

I made a pro’s and con’s list to weed out the smallest tiniest small things that I could think of while reading Lex & Ray’s story. As you can see most of the pros are about Raya while the cons are about Lex…

* I loved the begging/praising throughout the book …
* The sex scenes were great however, it speaks volumes when even THEY can’t save how crappy this story sorta was. (maybe this is a con then)
* Raya not asking Lex to change himself but to accept their relationship was a gold star for me
* The Windsor's accepting Raya into the family so quickly was super cute
* I enjoyed the slow burn of Lex & bob’s son/father relationship
* The continuous of the truth & dare game was my favorite thing ever
* Raya’s overall character was refreshing. She is just so kind and caring but also NOT a pushover!

* HE PULLED A GUN ON HER !?!??!?! (He should of read the room first)
* Communication is key and Lexington has none of it
* He was tracking her via wedding ring??
* I wish we got more of the Windsor kids interactions with Lex like how we did in the previous stories (but that’s only a hot take because I miss them