A review by anya_doesntmatter
Floodgates by Mary Calmes


Buddy read w/ Letti
It's classic MC and to quote Icona Pop: "I don't caaaa! I LOVE IT!"

3 stars in comparison to other books by Mary Calmes.
4 stars in comparison to other books I've read thus far this year.

Reading Mary Calmes is like slipping on your favorite pair of comfy pajamas. Her writing is like comfort food. You know before reading that the ridiculously handsome smexxi MC's will be fiercely loyal, possessive and that the sex between them will be sizzling hot! With that stated Floodgates, is classic Mary. All her trademarks are included in the story and you can't help but fall in love with most of the characters because they feel familiar yet.. not. Speaking of which
Spoiler heads up: Breckin, is a refreshing new character type that I love to hate! He's a bisexual cheating man whore that drove me crazy

So why 3 stars? Well because the murder mystery fell flat for me, too much time was spent on
Spoiler Breckin and Trace instead of Trace and Cord
there were a tad too many coincidences in this story.
Spoiler1) Celia happens to be a friend of the daughter that Trace's dad is dating. 2) Trace just happens to look like Turri Carrera.
There were also a lot of unnecessary characters that served absolutely no purpose and the killer was glaringly obvious.

Mary Calmes is one of the very few that successfully recycles the same themes over and over yet... you'll never get bored because she keeps it interesting. I've come across many writers that constantly recycle the same tripe over and over, cranking out 10 books a week that have been hastily "written" and they SUCK! If a writer chooses to have their body of work circle around the same themes like harbor sharks then they should take notes from Calmes and learn how to do it right! I'm a Mary Calmes fangirl because she is consistent in delivering what I'm looking for when I read her books. Her writing, her characters are my comfort food, my drug of choice. I hope Calmes writes a book about Dimah and his (twin?) brother! That whole good brother/ bad brother is great fodder for a sequel! Simply put, LOVE HER!