A review by ellelainey
A Devil's Own Luck by Rowan McAllister


This review will be identical to that contained within Rowan McAllister's Greatest Hits (Historical) as seen here - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1557141972?book_show_action=false


WARNING: rough sex. Literally throwing people around the room. Though it is consensual.

Timeline - 1820

This is the best story of the bunch, for me.


I really loved William, right from the start. He's a bit of a rogue, but he's a great main character and someone that I never lost interest in. He kept the story moving at a great pace and his friendship with Stubbs meant there was a lot more danger and action than in A Promise of Tomorrow.

Stylistically, it was as if two different people had written this story and A Promise of Tomorrow. The writing style was so different that I really was able to enjoy it, without the confused timeline of the previous story.

In terms of pros and cons, there was more positive influences in this story than negative. There were a few run on sentences, almost a paragraph long, and some small grammar mistakes, but they were so few and didn't interfere with the reading that I'm willing to overlook them. They also have the story set in London, yet use the word “blocks”. Now, I don't know if this is because it's an American publisher or not, but no one in the UK would use “blocks” to replace streets. We have never had city blocks, in the 1800's or now, so that's an anomaly, but I'm guessing from the American spelling that it's because of the publisher, so I'm going to also look past that.

The characters – William, Stephen, Stubbs, Maud and Phillip – were all great. They were all different, unique characters and each one had a purpose in progressing the story. Which, unlike the first, was full of surprises, excitement and kept me reading to find out what might happen next.

Overall, the entire story was engaging, funny and sad at times, while also being original and suiting the times.



“Yes, little lamb. There is a wolf in the wood.
After only a moment, however, he saw Stephen square his shoulders and raise his chin, meeting William's eyes again in angry defiance.
The lamb has teeth, he thought with pleasure,”
