A review by bibliophile90
Release by Anja Pfister, Mara White, Dylan Allen


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"I want to know what put that sadness there. I want to tell her the source of my own pain."

Release is the third and final book in the Symbols of Love series by the awesome Dylan Allen. I have read every book this author has released and been a fan from the start. I had been looking forward to Lilly and Harry's story, after being introduced to them in the previous books. First I want to mention that the prologue was very intense and raw, and the author did an incredible job in giving the reader a very realistic view of the situation. It had me feeling so many emotions and I felt like I was present in that scene. It definitely wasn't easy to read but it gave me a very clear view into Lilly's personality.

"I will never experience anything as magnificent as the way he has adored me. It's like the sun shining on the darkest parts of my insides, disinfecting and cleansing. But, there are some stains that nothing can remove. And the one on my soul is one of those."

Harry was very honest and said what was on his mind. I loved that a lot about him, and his personality resulted in Lilly coming out of her shell. She brought down her defensive walls and let Harry get to know her a bit, even though what they had was just a holiday fling (or so they thought). Harry was more open then Lilly, but seeing what she gone through in the past it was very understandable. There was a lot going on in this book, and I didn't completely agree with the way both of them handles certain situations. But on the other side this did result in them growing as individuals and getting their life back on track.

"When you kiss me, it's like a shot of sunshine. Straight to my center."

There were also a couple of twists which added another layer to the story, which I liked. I loved that all the previous characters made appearances in this book, and I enjoyed seeing what they were up to. The setting of the story was great. The first part was mainly set in Ghana and the second in the United Kingdom. The author did a phenomenal job in telling Lilly and Harry's story and gave them a well-deserved HEA. I had a hard time keeping my tears contained a couple of times, so I just let them flow. I am sad this series is done, but Release was definitely a great way to end it. However, I want Harry's twin Freya to get her own story. Release can be read as a stand-alone, but I think you would enjoy it more if you read the previous books. I can't wait to see what Dylan has in story for us next.