A review by karenleagermain
Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold


I really wanted to like this book, but it just ended up being tedious. The first fifty pages or so, which wove history with fiction, were very intriguing and then it just sort of went off course. Various sections of the book and characters were fantastic, but overall it failed to catch my interest. I am surprised that I even bothered to read it all of the way through.

To be fair, there is something else that may have impeded my enjoyment of this book. I have an autographed copy. I went to a reading of author and his wife, Alice Sebold, a few years ago and my copy of this book has been on the shelf since. I was kind of nutty about reading it, not wanting to take it out of the house or eat around it...so it took me about a month to get through. I think I may have enjoyed it more, if I had gone through it in a day or two. I slowed down the momentum and it was difficult to read it in small spurts. I would give Gold another chance, if he comes out with another novel that looks appealing.