A review by annarella
The Lost Girls of Ireland by Susanne O'Leary


4,5* rounded to 5
Sometimes you need a heartwarming and uplifting book that makes you smile and travel to lovely places and this what happens when I read Sandy Cove books.
This one was no exception and it ticked almost all the check on my list.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it engrossing and entertaining.
Lydia is an interesting character that face a huge change in her life. Even if she’s a bit passive she also grows in the book becoming her own woman.
I liked the characters in this book and think they are well developed and interesting.
The descriptions of the setting are great and they made me crave to be there. I think that the place is a character on its own. one that always makes you wish to live there and be able to explore the coves and walk around.
It’s another good addition to this beloved series.
It’s recommended.
Many thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine