A review by nathaniacalaee
fast by Millie Belizaire

“In life, there are certain things that you just need. I needed food to eat. I needed air to breathe. I needed water to drink. And I needed Caprice.”
SHAUNN 😋 (but then he would flip a switch and act SO weird…) I honestly don’t know what to rate this book because 
  1. I enjoyed every single second 
  2. When I wasn’t reading it, I wanted to be 
  3. It was repetitive 
  4. There was trauma (don’t be fooled I like this in books) 
  5. Shaun! 
So this is TECHNICALLY more good than bad in the book, but I’m still conflicted on what to rate it. Just know that I enjoyed every second, but it was repetitive! I will probably try out another of this authors books 😍😍