A review by areaderamongthestars
In the Light of a Broken Moon: Episode One by Bri Spicer


In The Light of A Broken Moon is a sweet and angst-y poly romance settled in space, full of many elements I love dearly, and I just can’t stop thinking about it.

The world-building is brilliant: from the concept of magical librarians to the world itself, with magnificent landscapes from a destroyed planet full of ancient knowledge and an evil empire seeking to destroy all that is left of it, it’s impossible to not be fascinated by what Spicer was able to create. The writing style is also pretty good, even though I would have liked a little bit more dialogues instead of description in a couple of scenes.
I was really impressed by the sigil magic, and the way how it works, how one is possible to heal and to protect though its usage, was described in such an elegant and extraordinary way.

The plot is clearly in its early stage in this first episode, so the main focus are, obviously, the characters. And saying that they are all my babies is an understatement.

Demya is such a strong woman, a true warrior, and it’s heartbreaking to see how she always thinks of herself as unworthy of being loved and cared for by the person she shares her soul with, no matter what she accomplish.
Selena instead is a softer and more innocent character, but that doesn’t prevent her from being fierce and determined in her own way.

The romance between Demya and Selena was so well done: the yearning, the soft touches and the little attentions each of them has for the other… there is something special in the way they both try to overcome the trauma of losing their home-world, their life, and their lover in the same instant, without losing each other in the process.
I can’t wait to see how the comeback of Aleksan will influence their relationship, and I can already know that seeing them healing together will be the death of me. Because what Aleksan went through, being alone for so long and get to the point where he believed the women he loved maybe would not have come back for him without secondary motives, destroyed me.

I’m just so excited to see how the story is going to be developed!!!