A review by yasminar
The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan


my fav book out of all i read during ramadan readathon. i have never come across such a positive portrayal of queer Muslims – it's a taboo topic in many muslim cultures and i'm glad this book touched on it

i could relate to a lot of things in this book. one that stood out to me was Rukhsana’s relatives telling her she’s gotten “so dark” as if that’s a bad thing, and constantly telling her to wear something that'll make her look fairer

many reviews note the way rukhsana's parents respond to her being gay is really cruel – i wholeheartedly agree. that's why i think this book is a really imporant one. the ways that her parents respond do not shock me because i've heard of similar things happening – from forcing her to choose a husband to getting a religious healer to “release the jinn” from her body.

also the subplot abt her potential suitor and grandma really broke my heart 3

would definitely recommend this to everyone, muslim or non muslim