A review by deannawong
See all the Stars by Kit Frick


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -"
"I took the one back to you."

Things I liked:
- The use of 1st person referral for "THEN" and the use of 1st person present tense for "NOW".
- Comparing the friend group to the universe: it established the dynamics immediately.
- How at the end, friendship and romance proved to be toxic.
- The part where Ellory gains closure by crossing off the names on her list.
- Ellory lying to herself the whole time.

Things I didn't like:
- The pacing dragged soooo much.
- Too many filler scenes, especially in the "NOW" parts. Sometimes I just wanted to skip them.
- The ending was a bit predictable.
- Nothing really happened to cause Ellory to want to move on (except for the end of the year approaching).