A review by libraryofstarrs
Him by Pierre Alex Jeanty


i have a bone to pick with this book.
here's the thing.
i ADORED jeanty's "her" books, so i was having relatively positive expectations with "him". to say i was disappointed was an understatement. the beginning of the book was amazing—it shed light on the inner struggles men face that tend to go overlooked. even so, as we progress through the series of poems, it begins to be a consistent thing for the poems to just flat out bash women. don't get me wrong, i am someone who is very adamant about shedding light on not only women's issues, but men's issues as well, BUT. it felt as though instead of supporting and uplifting men through their issues, it was just passing the blame and pointing fingers at women. the poems very much relied on the "not all men" ideology, but implemented the ideology that all women are at fault. EVERY woman does this. EVERY woman doesn't do this. it became whiny and self-pitying.

to be put simply: you can uplift men without breaking women down. this book failed at this immensely.