A review by woahshereads
Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica


this was ok..

For most of this book - nothing happened. There were big revelations for like two seconds but the writing style just didn’t take advantage of those moments & instead it fell flat afterwards. I will say there is one big twist at the end that I didn’t see coming BUT again the set up for that reveal wasn’t well done & you honestly could almost skim over it without realizing what exactly just happened. 

There were a lot of unanswered questions & plot holes in this story that I wish we would have gotten clarification on. For the entire book I though “yes, surely Lilly had killed Jake since she was covered in blood, she seemingly couldn’t stop bashing his head in with a rock, there was a pool of blood where his body was, etc” BUT I had to go back at least 4 times because the way Lilly speak and the way the author explains the events there is literally no way he DIDN’T die from that. But… he didn’t? IDK I just didn’t love this and the entire time I was shaking my head from the ridiculous characters.