A review by chluless
Compulsion by Martina Boone


I cannot begin to describe how excited I was when I received an ARC for this book!
From the first chapter I was sucked into the story of Barrie and Watson Island. I honestly struggled to put Compulsion down and after receiving it on Thursday evening, I finished it on Friday morning. That should tell you how incredible this book is!

The cover is absolutely gorgeous. Definitely to be displayed at the front of my book shelf.
Set on Watson Island, South Carolina on Barrie's aunts plantation, the story unfolds.
Spanish moss, privateers, family feuds, curses from long ago, sadness,hope and mysteries. Everything I wanted and more than I expected to get.

Barrie Watson was well written, realistic and relatable. She is stubborn, fashionable and always willing to see the best in people and wants to do the right thing.

Eight Beaufort. What can I say about him. If he is the embodiment of boys in the south, when can I get a plane ticket?

Aunt Pru is a sweetheart and I'm so happy Barrie and her have each other.

Lula is the one character I really have mixed views on, I cant help disliking her but at the same time I see where she was coming from and sympathise.

Mark is a character I wish was shown more, where can I get a Godfather like him? He is so supportive and really cares for Barrie and her happiness.

Cassie Colesworth intrigued me and even after what she did at the end, I really want to see where her character is taken next.

The more Gothic, supernatural aspects of the book were fascinating and done well. At first I was doubtful about ghosts in the story as I have read many books were the ghosts were a flop but there was no need to worry. Martina Boone certainly knew what she was doing. The fire carrier, Yunwi ,the family gifts and curses. It really did make the story.

My only criticism would be that I think Barrie should have dwelled on and worried about some of the things that have happened to her, I don't think many people would have been as calm after some of those ordeals but it didn't matter that much, overall she was realistic and did get angry, sad , frustrated and panicked at the right times.

Once again, thank you for the signed ARC. I loved this book so much. How am I going to survive a years wait for the next one???