A review by zealous_bibliophile
From Ashes by Amanda Perry



There is a pretty big cliffhanger and I will be waiting for book four but I was pretty disappoint by several plot points that just weren't thought out.

Spoilers ahead

Riley is attacked a mile from her home. She is told they know about her and are coming for her. She is like uber important to the elements. THEY DONT MOVE. They don't even get extra security. They just go home and act like nothing ever happened.

Not only that, they then are like oh! We should go to a remote location alone. Is that a bad idea? No, it's an excellent idea because it is romantic!

The whole thing with Caleb. They know the situation will kill Riley, or Caleb, or both of them and everyone is just like eh we will see how this plays out. For a month. No one says hey just so you know you or he will DIE if you don't work this out so, you know, maybe talk to us about it. They just let them not eat and slowly doe for a month. A MONTH.

Everyone is supposed to be super caring and protective of each other and especially of theory soulmate, unless the harm was done by a god, and then quit whining you big baby. So they literally burned you and you have a scar, roast piggies are funny. WTF.

Riley is supposed to be a massive secret. They discover her secret is out. NO ONE PANICS OR DOES ANYTHING. Seriously nothing. Life goes on exactly as though that revelation never happened. There wasn't even a hey should we talk about this? Naw. okay, cool.

I enjoyed the book, but these things really pulled me out of the story so I wasn't in love with the books telling everyone you HAVE to read this as I stalk Perry's page for updates om book four. It also makes me cautious aboiy starting a new series from her.