A review by mjsam
Blood of the Pack by Jenny Frame


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is book 2 of the Wolfgang series. I did not think much of book 1 ([b:Heart of the Pack|27217645|Heart of the Pack (Wolfgang County, #1)|Jenny Frame|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1445052658l/27217645._SY75_.jpg|47260411]), but found the novella for this series ([b:Soul of the Pack|36990483|Soul of the Pack (Wolfgang County, #1.5)|Jenny Frame|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1512675301l/36990483._SY75_.jpg|58798205]) an improvement, so figured I’d give this a shot. There’s also some references to vampires in this book that may be related to Frame’s [b:Hunger for You|36458122|Hunger for You (Amelia & Byron, #1)|Jenny Frame|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1508693285l/36458122._SY75_.jpg|58163423] but I’m not a vampire fan, so can’t say for sure.

This is a fair improvement on book 1, not least because the two MCs are way more interesting than Cade and Lena (MCs from book 1) could ever hope to be. The MCs here are Kenrick (Ricky), who is Dante’s cousin from Scotland who is about to become pack leader there and has come to Dante for tips about taking on the role, and Zaria, who is on the run from the evil Lupas and hiding a few big secrets.

Kenrick is very different from the other dominants we’ve been introduced to, in appearance and attitude, and she’s also possibly the sweetest MC featured so far. Zaria has been alone for years and had to overcome a lot, so the two together are pretty interesting.

The first part of the book is set in Wolfgang territory and therefore features the main players from the last 1.5 books, but then the setting moves to Scotland and we’re introduced to a new pack (that I much preferred). I especially liked Rhuri (Kenrick’s second) and her young niece Milo.

Kenrick and Zaria are together pretty much the entire book, so there’s plenty of interaction between them and due to the whole ‘wolf soulmate’ thing, we know right off that they’re destined for each other. There’s a few big hurdles in the way, most of which revolve around Zaria’s backstory, which also involves the Lupas (bad guys) from the first book. Thankfully, that storyline is tied up here, because I wasn’t overly impressed by either bad guy and am happy to not see them again.

I did tire of Zaira’s ‘I’m not worthy’ schtick, especially towards the end of the book, but otherwise liked her. Kenrick was by far the best character though, and I enjoyed her storyline and the stories she told quite a bit. I’m guessing Rhuri will feature in the next story should there be one, which should also see Milo featured more heavily, an added bonus.

All in all, I enjoyed the romance and I’m glad the plot has moved out of Wolfgang country and to the new pack. As I said, this is much improved over the first entry (especially in regards to the squicky crap in the sex scenes in book 1, I assume Frame read some of the feedback around those). It’s not my favourite Frame novel (or werewolf novel) but worth the read. I’d give this 3-3.5 stars, so I’m leaving it at 3.