A review by pa11av
Battle Ground by Jim Butcher


if you thought Peace Talks was foreplay, Battle Ground is full-on, toe-curling orgasm inducing, make-you-feel-a-little-ashamed-later, neighbors-call-the-police type of sex.

The book is delicious, the stakes are higher than ever, the action keeps going on and on. And while other books would have stopped midway, Battle Ground is Butcher at his best so far.

In all, this book is fun. It will make you laugh, it will break your heart, it will make you want to through something at the walls and when you flip the last page, you will feel the power of going through the wringer just like Dresden does in this book. And boy, does he go through a hell lot.

So, yes! Worth the wait! An absolute must read for any Dresden fan. Goes without saying.