A review by alexyoung8
Cross My Heart, Hope to Die by Sara Shepard


So we’ve gotten to the point where the author knows that no matter what they write, they still make millions. Unfortunately, [a:Sara Shepard|93970|Sara Shepard|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1229580414p2/93970.jpg] is not wrong.

The Lying Game is a six book series, but it could have been done in 4 or even 3. Not much happens in each book, just a new suspect and them being proven innocent at the end. This book was no different. I still gave it a high rating, because it wasn’t exactly boring, and I did finish it quite quickly, so I guess whatever you know?

But, if it wasn’t obvious before, the killer has pretty much been revealed after the last 2 chapters.

SpoilerRIP Nisha, I always liked you. Ethan, I hate you for manipulating Emma. Though I truly think you love her, you killed her sister you psycho. It was so obvious. He goes missing when Nisha dies, and he’s never had an alibi, and he’s been feeding Emma information from the start. Also, there are pretty much no more suspects