A review by purplepenning
A Thousand Steps into Night by Traci Chee

adventurous dark hopeful inspiring fast-paced


Miuko: "Come on. There is so much more out there than this."
Senara (eyes glittering with tears, or perhaps excitement): "For a girl?"
Miuko: "For anyone brave enough to look."

This was both exceptional and not quite for me. It felt a little disjointed and repetitive at times, but I often feel that way about fairytales and quest adventures. So much of the action seems to unfold and redirect on the go that it can feel like being in a pinball machine. Not that this wasn't brilliantly plotted — it obviously was — with interesting characters, a fascinating mid-story shift, a take down of patriarchal oppression, and a girl finding the strength to make mistakes and try again and again as she fights the demons around and within her. 

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