A review by hashtag_alison
Lifeblood by P.N. Elrod


Lifeblood continues the same line of quality as its predecessor, [b:Bloodlist|290436|Bloodlist (Vampire Files, #1)|P.N. Elrod|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1361738015s/290436.jpg|1771872]. The writing isn't the best, but the action more than makes up for it. Every moment is adventure.

I could have done with a little more worldbuilding in this one. We learn more about Jack's personal backstory, but there's next to no new information about vampires in this world, which is different enough that exploring the details would be interesting.

As usual, my reviews as I continue the series are going to get shorter and shorter because there's only so much you can say about one story, but this one upholds my expectations of the first volume and I am excited to start the next one.