A review by naiapard
Re Jane by Patricia Park


If I had not needed this book for a class, I would not have finished it.

That directly translates to: it is a miracle I finished it.

It was disturbing. But let me explain myself. So, this is supposed to be a re-telling after Jane Eyre – you got it? Re Jane? I mean, it sounds sfae enough. What could go wrong if you follow a recipe that is two century old? For sure you can`t go wrong with it.


My issue was with the “love” relationship. Somehow, in the context of this book the relation between an older man and a fresh out of college woman did not bode well. It made me sick to my stomach in the weirdest way possible.

It is just, the way it was presented here it was really repulsive for me. From the starts, from her first interaction with the “reincarnation” of Mr. Rochester I was praying to all the gods above and beyond that they would not even do as little as to touch hands.

It gave me shivers.And that says a lot. I read and I had read a lot of fu#ked-up sh#t.

This should not have made me hurl

The only way I am recommending this book is if you have to read it for a class, or a paper, otherwise, ugh, I would not pick it up in my free-time

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