A review by a_queens_library
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron


AMAZING!! This book got me out of my book slump. I did not read a book like in 5 months or so and after I read this book, I just immediately started reading and buying books. Amazing!

This retail was so amazing. When I bought it, I thought it was going to be a retail about a black Cinderella, but it is about something entirely different!
There are so many turn-points, so many climaxes!

After some point, I thought the story would progress as it is, I thought we solved everything out and we had a schedule to follow, then do you know what happened?! Everything fucking changed again!

Whenever I thought, "this is it, now we know everything" there is another reveal that blows my mind!
I mean you kind of keep thinking that there is something missing in the story, in every reveal but every reveal is so goddamn shocking that you think to yourself, even if it ends right now I would be satisfied with the story but thank goodness you understand everything in the end, everything just sits in place.

Oh that last reveal, though!! I knew something else felt sketchy but I just did not know that it was that freaking thing! Oh my goodness!!