A review by bookstosoothethesoul
Make Mine a Marquess by Tina Gabrielle


Oooh I do love historicals with intriguing plots and this book definitely delivered! Make Mine a Marquess has a brave, bold heroine named Phoebe who prioritizes what is right rather than what is appropriate/socially acceptable which makes her the perfect partner for Landon who is seeking revenge on his cousin who tried to have him murdered to steal his estate. There was so much going on in the plot with this book that I really enjoyed. Landon's mixed motivations were really fun to see (he wanted to get revenge and use her to do it). I enjoyed that his intentions were muddied a bit especially as he falls for Phoebe. Unfortunately I found there was too much telling vs showing for me. I wanted to settle into the story and watch it happen but the author kept telling me how to feel about it or telegraphing loudly that *this is a BIG moment for these characters for these reasons* and I would have liked a little more subtlety in how the character development was being communicated. The story itself was very engaging so that's what kept me going even when the character development felt clunky. I know historical revenge subplot is a microtrope that many people enjoy so I'm confident that many others will enjoy the passion and plot of this book.