A review by mrose21
Bought to Carry His Heir by Jane Porter


Wtf is this?

Just plain creepy. And weird. No thanks

She was super cold, I understand not wanting children - lets not shame everyone for wanting kids or not wanting them. However to be so unfeeling in giving up the life inside you. (It isn't HER baby)

Also the hero just killed it. He was so you must do it my way with no compassion for the woman that is giving him a child (a child he wanted) and he doesn't give her any choice, its his way or no way. Sad. He also weirded me out by choosing her because she looked like his late wife.

I have no real opinion of Jane Porter. I read books because theyre sent to me every month. (I have a huge back log) I believe I have read her books before but cannot tell you what they were or if I enjoyed them.

OK quick check I have read one book of Jane's that I have reviewed on GR and that was a 3 star. Maybe this lady and I don't mesh well.