A review by catrad
Touched by Joanna Briscoe


This tale is a rather elegant ghost story set in the sixties, with several different areas of focus - oh, how to explain without giving away spoilers?! Well, I shan't. I'll just say that I really enjoyed this novella and found it a little different to most standard ghost stories I've read in the past.

I thought that the start of the book seemed to jump around a bit and I found it a bit of a struggle to stay focused on it. I did read this over the course of a few days and I have to say that my brain wasn't begging me to pick it up again at any opportunity, like with some books. Having said that though, the second half of the book seemed to settle down and I enjoyed it a lot more. I particularly liked the character of Eva, a rather eccentric little girl with a lot of personality, who was very well written.

Overall, this is a great little novella, certainly worthy of a read if you enjoy ghost stories or tales of a supernatural flavour.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a free e-copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. However, all opinions are my own.