A review by klaragon73
The Grumpy Player Next Door by Pippa Grant


How does Pippa Grant do it? I've read a great many of Pippa Grant’s books and more often than not, I end up with my stomach hurting from trying not to laugh and wake up my husband. The absurd situations she puts her characters in are extraordinary and never repeated. Meeting Pippa Grant is now on my bucket list.

So, that will be the end of my fangirling.


Chapter 1 opens with Tillie Jean hiding in her brother’s house so she can play a practical joke on him when he returns except, the person she ends up pranking is not her brother but one of his teammates and good friends. The problem being: Max doesn’t like Tillie. He despises her. He doesn’t go around her and, if forced, he acts grumpy when he does see Tillie, he is a complete jerk. Tillie in her own fun-spirited way flirts with him just to irritate both him and her brother. These actions continue on and off throughout the book, especially the pranks. And believe me… Tillie Jean gets as good as she gives.

I lost count of all the reasons Max dislikes “Trouble” Jean, as he calls her but they were numerous. Each is actually a reason he loves her but fears for his job and life should he and TJ get together. TJ has two older brothers, one who is reasonable and makes his living as a baker. The other is an overprotective but loving brother who, you guessed it, plays hockey.

I love the way the author is able to blend these characters flawlessly. Each one has a separate demeanor and their mannerisms create truly authentic characters. You are pulled in to their lives quickly, but with this book, the romance is a slow burn that kept me turning pages well into the night.


As mentioned above, the author creates memorable characters whose repartee is fun, witty, and at times a bit sad. Both Tillie Jean and Max Cole narrate in first person. Each chapter begins by telling who is narrating and a short line about what is to come. The writing is filled with witticisms and is easy to read. I am envious of the author’s wit and creativity. I’ve yet to read a book of hers I don’t like.

I squat into position at the top of the stairs, as hidden as I can be while still seeing my target, Nerf blaster locked and loaded, waiting while he fumbles with his keys.

For the record?

It’s not easy to hide at the top of a curved staircase. I’m on my belly now, half-angled behind the wall of the hallway to his guest bedrooms, peering between the slats of the banister, hoping all my target practice pays off.

Dark hair in the foyer…

…a rapid blast of modified foam darts at the six balloons floating in the space above the door.

The other balloons are bursting in a steady, shiny, beautiful pink glitter spray that’s splashed on the walls, exploding from its nylon shell and raining down like a spring shower, coating the walls, making the air sparkle, and dusting all that dark hair as Cooper’s lifting his head. “What the–“

And in the span of a heartbeat, before he can finish that sentence, I realize my mistake.

My terrible, horrible, very bad miscalculation.