A review by a_bookish_discovery
Going Solo by Zoe Sugg


I think it was fate that drew me to pick up this book today. I've been going through a rough time with anxiety and my best friend being missing. This book felt like a warm safety blanket. A reassurance that everything will be ok no matter what happens next.
It is refreshing to see so much of Zoe's personality put into the book. Her own struggles are wound into the story and the real-life setting of well known places in Brighton and London give the book a homely feel to anyone who lives in England. It is well written in simplistic language with inserts of blog posts that break the story up so that it is not a heavy read.
This book is great for people who are just getting into reading or want a light read to add to their night-time routine. It is also great for anyone who is feeling a little lost in who they are and where they are heading in life.

There are two previous books in the series that would be beneficial to read before diving into this novel but are not entirely necessary to enjoy and follow along with the plot-line. However, I highly recommend the whole series!!