A review by crunden
Uncanny Magazine Issue 26: January/February 2019 by Marissa Lingen, Fran Wilde, Linda D. Addison, Hal Y. Zhang, Caroline M. Yoachim, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Ellen Kushner, Delilah S. Dawson, Senaa Ahmad, Cassandra Khaw, Alec Nevala-Lee, Natalia Theodoridou, Michael Damian Thomas, Jennifer Crow, Lynne M. Thomas, Inda Lauryn, Sonya Taaffe, Keidra Chaney


I'm definitely on a poetry kick. There are some seriously wonderful poems published by Uncanny! I read all four and definitely recommend giving them all a chance. I do find there's not enough poetry these days. Which is such a shame. Poetry's so fantastic. #poetrystan

'Steeped in Stars' by Hal Y. Zhang was beautiful. Some great turns of phrase!
but the ghost
of the old stone wall still
streams your meteor shower

Read it for yourself here.

Jennifer Crow's 'Red Berries' was also wonderful.
Tell me what the winter whispered to you

Read it for yourself here.

Cassandra Khaw's 'A Letter from One Woman to Another' was fantastic. This one was probably my favourite from this collection! There's something very raw and brutal about it.
not love he proffers, but lies
by the dozen, semen-thick and

Read it for yourself here.

I also read 'The Watchword' by Sonya Taaffe.
a song must outlive its singer
or it dims bitter in a land of milk and honey

That line really struck me. I kept rereading it. Read the whole poem for yourself here.