A review by briarsreviews
Bad Blood by Mari Mancusi


If you were wanting more Sunny in this book - YOU GOT IT.

This addition to the Blood Coven Vampires series follows Sunny (but don't worry, Rayne is still kicking!). This time around, Magnus has to get a blood mate - and guess what? It's not Sunny.

Sunny, who's madly in love with Magnus, and her trusty sister Rayne have to work hard to try to get Magnus back to Sunny and away from this blood mate. Will they do it? I guess you'll have to read to find out...

I really loved this book, it helps that Sunny is my favourite out of the two girls but I also really enjoyed the adventure and drama within this novel. It's a big step up from the last novel in my opinion. This book hooks me instantly, made me not want to stop reading it, and desire more from Mari Mancusi ASAP.

This book had it's faults - Sunny is definitely in love with Magnus, but I doubted his love for her. While Sunny's actions and thoughts show how deeply in love she is, Magnus barely seems like she has the time of day (despite expressing his feelings).

Overall, this young adult novel was everything I wanted (minus the Magnus fault, but hey we can't have everything we want). It's silly, cute and totally unrealistic - but that's what I want in a silly, YA vampire novel that's filled with cute moments and teenage drama. Mari shows her true skill at writing as a teenage which makes this book even more "believable" within it's realm. That helps this quick read continue moving at a super fast pace and become utterly addicting - what teenager didn't think like Sunny and Rayne?

Five out of five stars.