A review by jessalynn_librarian
Dandelion Fire by N.D. Wilson


This sequel to [b:100 Cupboards|1661390|100 Cupboards (The 100 Cupboards, Book 1)|N.D. Wilson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1186518979s/1661390.jpg|1656177] will be best enjoyed by fans of the first book. While Wilson reminds us of some of the action of the first story, the whole premise would be a little mystifying if you hadn't already followed Henry on his explorations of the mysterious cupboards he found in his bedroom. A bit more backstory is introduced here, and we spend more time through the cupboards and less time in present day Kansas. While many of the ideas were just as fantastic as the first time around, I wasn't as swept up by the plot, and the large cast of characters was occasionally confusing. I'd recommend it to kids who enjoyed the first one, like highly imaginative fantasy, and have some patience for a story that's chock-full of details and characters but not always fast-paced.