A review by nicklelove
Forbidden Mind by Karpov Kinrade


Originally published in my blog: http://www.nightowlreads.org/2012/10/review-forbidden-mind-by-kimberly.html

I received a copy of this ebook from the author as part of the book tour. All opinions are my own and are influenced by no one.

I was surprised with how good this book is. Granted it has some elements that I didn't like, but it worked well with the whole story.

While reading, X-men, Dollhouse, and Nikita came to mind. It's like those 3 got married and gave birth to Forbidden Mind. Children and teens with para-powers are kept in an organization/secluded school for gifted children called Rent-A-Kid (X-Men), most of them have no identity in the real world (Nikita), they are rented out to rich and powerful people who need their services (Nikita and Dollhouse), and they are promised to get out of the system when they turn 18. (In Dollhouse, volunteers are in the Dollhouse for 3 years and are released after their contract expires.)

Sam can read minds, she's also a very talented artist. Her 18th birthday is fast approaching and she plans for a future outside Rent-A-Kid. But everything changed when she returns from an assignment to find the art room burned and her mentor Mr. K was no longer in Rent-a-kid. To top it off, there was a boy brought into the facility who was strapped to the bed and somehow asked for her help by communicating with her mind.

Drake can control minds and has super strength. He was in foster care until he ran away and lived with his best friend. He's an amazing surfer and joined a competition to earn money for his future plans. It all fell apart when he was abducted.

Strapped to a bed and can't use his powers, he forced the thought and asked for Sam's help, their minds have been linked ever since. This book gives a different meaning to insta-love. The linking of minds enabled them to communicate from afar. Their attraction wasn't physical, but emotional. They can show each other a part of their life that no one else can share, that intimate connection made them close that falling in love was possible.

Sam and Drake uncovered secrets about Rent-a-kid with the help of Sam's best friends, twins Luke and Lucy. Faced with the reality of their situation, they planned to escape to find someone who could help them save everyone in the program.

Forbidden Mind has romance, mystery, action, and suspense that will keep you hooked from beginning till end. I really enjoyed reading this sensational novel and I can't wait to read the next book in the trilogy.