A review by darkpsychereads
Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope by Karamo Brown


Really enjoyable, heartfelt autobiography. Huge fan of the show Queer Eye and this was such a good and easy read.

As a student counsellor who's really battling inner demons, self-doubt, holding worries about existence in a capitalistic/restrictive / exploitative world. I really needed the advice and experience of a human in this field, and also just shares a lot of the values I do about authenticity, honesty, justice, understanding, harmony, and healing the world. Knowing Karamo is also a bit of an authentic and stubborn rebel helps dispel some of my people-pleasing anxieties of having to fit in. If there are cracks in the world and I see them and can do something about them- I feel more empowered to go with my heart and not just what's always been done. Turns out not everyone can see the emotional scars of the world and connect those dots like I can, so I can use my abilities more confidently. I found Karamo's stories really relatable and I couldn't put this down.