A review by giuliaa_i
Heartsong by S.E. Wendel


super cute romance, i’m gonna start with what i liked best and that is the characters! 

anna is very relatable in her trauma and her illness. she’s just tryna get herself sorted and now she has a big himbo gargoyle who came crashing down uprooting her entire world, telling her she’s his mate and that he loves her, of course she s gonna be like wtf bro
but then she finally gets into her feelings and allows herself to be happy and taken care of

frey… my dear boi frey 
himbo is exactly what this man/gargoyle/grotesque is 
he just loves his woman and wants her to be happy and healthy and satisfied, but being a LITERAL monster from the 6th century makes it a bit hard 
it s just so adorable how he tries to get used to the modern world and tries to understand anna

also seeing Wales represented in a book is very much soothing my soul. I live in wales and i know for a fact this place has so much to give! 

now onto my criticism, which isnt even THAT bad
this was defo more of a cosy read than anything

could ve cut down about 50 pages in which anna went to work and frey just stayed home worrying and whatever
it got a bit old after the 5th time of him telling her going to work is dangerous and her telling him she will keep going 

i also wish the action started sooner. there were bits and crumbs left around that in the moment kept you guessing but i then forgot about it entirely until shit went down 
and when it did go down, it was very short and rushed, not much tension 

all in all, great read!