A review by njsbooknook
Ever Yours, Annabelle by Elisa Braden


The first half was really good but it waned towards the end. I loved the RFR series but it lately seems to have lost the spark. It was nice to read about old characters before they got together but I couldn't keep my focus on the story.

Annabelle's antics at 13 seem to be obsessive rather than a teenage crush. I get that Robert and Annabelle have a connection but I was not able to feel that throughout the book. Their conflict did not seem to be really a conflict. All issues seem to have gotten over really quickly. She quickly forgave him for breaking her heart, he quickly forgave her for her teenage antics. And for a book to be "Rescue from Ruin" series, there wasn't much rescue and not much ruin. It all seemed to be part of Robert's thinking.

Knowing Elisa Braden's amazing storytelling this book was a disappointment for me.