A review by monanava123
Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes


Andrew’s story is finally here and you guessed it, it’s with Miles!!!! These two were always so tense around each other in prior books that I knew something was up. For these two, their biggest enemy was their own stubbornness. They spent YEARS apart because they were too stubborn to talk it out and when Roman and Ben forced Andrew to see that, there was a complete 180. Everything flowed easily in this book and between Miles and Andrew. Add in the insta love and protectiveness over Evan, the teen in the prior book that was silently screaming for help, and we have an insta family!

Although there are a few rough topics in this book that deal with child neglect, the teen’s trauma after killing his dad and being abandoned by his mom, and some others this book is fairly light and a quick read.

It really is a nice wrap up and a goodbye to the series. We are caught up on all the past couples’ lives and where they are at now and we see how their lives are still all interconnected. I have a feeling people will say that the book wrapped up too nicely and that some processes were made to sound too easy but Nicole addresses these in her Authors Note at the end.

Overall I’m happy with the way it ended and it was an easy read in between angsty books.

“But as usual, I guess we’re going to take the scenic route. Fine by me. I’ll never give up. Not on him. Or on us.”