A review by hbeth21
The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman by Julietta Henderson


I listened to this book, and it only serves to confirm that I must have been British in a previous life, or I just REALLY love the British accents. The narrator, Katherine Parkinson, a British actress about whom I have only just learned, was absolutely brilliant in telling this story in different voices. I wonder if I would enjoyed the book quite as much if I had read it, and not listened to it.
Narration aside, the story was just so so good. Authors that have the ability to invoke laugh-out-loud humor, as well as truly heartwarming emotions while dealing with such sad subject matter, are my absolute favorite kind of authors.
Norman Foreman, as well as his mom Sadie, have lost Norman's best friend Jax, to a tragic asthma attack, and the loss of Jax has torn asunder their 5 year plan to perform their comedy duet at the Edinburgh Fringe, a famous comedy festival. So to honor Jax's memory, Norman and Sadie, with the help of their new friend, Sadie's elderly coworker Leonard, set out to get Norman to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe, this year, and only a few weeks away. And as if this feat is not monumental enough, they are also on the hunt to determine the identity of Norman's father, who could be one of a few quite colorful characters. In their adventures, the meet some hilarious and love-able (maybe a couple not-so-love-able) characters, all of which gave me moments of laughter and maybe a few tears.
I love books like these, full of unique characters, telling a really important story, and touching on pretty much all of my emotions. And not to mention, so...British.