A review by booksuperpower
Kill for Me by Karen Rose


Kill For Me by Karen Rose is a 2009 Grand Central Publication.

I am finally getting back to this book after repeated tries to work it into my reading schedule. I really like this series and Karen Rose is one of my favorite romantic suspense authors.

This arc in the romantic suspense series features Daniel and Susannah Vartanian and picks up pretty much where the last book left off, after the shocking revelations concerning their brother, Simon.

But, the shocks are just going to keep coming in this book as Susannah reveals all she knows about the death of her friend Darcy, how dark her life had gotten at one point, and the horrible guilt she feels. But, thankfully, she has Luke Papadopoulas helping her put an end to a human trafficking ring that has been in operation for years.

This book is the last in the trilogy and boy is it a twister, with one huge shocker after another, even more stunning family secrets, evil in its lowest depths, and nonstop suspense. At times the twist seemed to go a little overboard, in my opinion, pushing Susannah and Daniel further than was one plausible. It was a pretty 'busy' book with several very diabolical bad guys at work.

But, it does all come together in the end and the conclusion is stunning, with all the pieces of the puzzle fitting into place. The romance between Savannah and Luke is pretty understated with a low steam level. However, as Luke explains to Daniel- Savannah has been through a lot and so it seemed fitting that the love affair was low key.

Overall, this is a very solid trilogy, one I would recommend to mystery, suspense lovers of all kinds, not just fans of romantic suspense. Be sure to read the two books released prior to this one though, because all three books tie in together and you won't really get the big picture otherwise.

4 stars for this one