A review by git_r_read
A Spell for Trouble by Esme Addison


Thanks to BookBub having this on their list of affordable books in the selection to choose from or it might have taken me longer to find this delightful book and start of a new-to-me series. It is a quick one sitting read, or it was for me. I highly enjoyed meeting the characters, slowly learning the premise and envisioning the setting in North Carolina.
I enjoy reading mostly cozies in November and December and into the first month of a new year. It can be hectic and cozies always tend to mellow me. This one is especially so with its tinge of supernatural added to the mystery. The main character is believably drawn into the investigation, there's the start of a love interest but it looks to be a tussle, the family love is there, and past mysteries to solve.
I am going to definitely look for the rest of the books in the series and read them in order.
I can absolutely recommend this book, series and author.