A review by emilygrafton8
Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson


absolutely incredible. there’s something about a morgan matson book and the feeling I get while reading that i can’t describe. so much happiness and i always have a smile on my face. i love her writing and how she is able to capture a teenage voice. i love the character dynamics and the growth just in one night. i saw myself in both Kat and Stevie and i think we all need a little of both in our lives. i love how loud and to the point Kat is. i liked how real stevie was in narration. it took her a while to get there but she came to terms to all. The background stories and what each girl was dealing with was great storyline. i loved that Stevie was able to become closer to her step-siblings and have a strong relationship with her father. also BECKETT!!!!! how is the 10 year old boy from SYBG dating now??? i felt old. but i wish we saw more of their relationship. i loved the dinner scene between the two of them and it was much needed. i kinda want to see Beckett again now he was super sweet. for kat, i thought her and carey’s night was so cute. they seemed to have a genuine connection and he wanted the best for her and i’m glad they got together at the end. she reminds me so much of myself and my bf is similar to carey, i loved making the connection to my own life.
another cameo!!!!!!!!! ok so amy and lucien????? not going to lie it hurt that her and roger weren’t together. but looking back at the book it shows the growth and i’m remembering how much lucien seemed to care for amy back then. it still hurt. but so glad we got to see amy succeeding and thriving in her life.
overall, i’m forever and always a morgan matson stan. she knows how to write in such a fun way with such an incredible cast of characters. enjoyed this one so much!!! :) definitely close to the top of my all time favs from morgan matson