A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #3 by Tom Taylor, Andrew Robinson, Juann Cabal


Was not expecting this revelation. A city in (a location I don’t want to say for sake of spoilers)? Who would have guessed! It explains a lot about the situation that Spider-Man has found himself in though, so there’s that.
This issue was great for a number of different reasons. I loved the humor in Johnny’s scenes. And the fact that they were able to showcase how strong Peter is – I always love those moments. And honestly, I love that everything is starting to make sense.
In a similar vein, I love that I have to eye-roll every time somebody asks for a better superhero than Spider-Man. I mean, can people in desperate situations really afford to complain about which superhero showed up? At least it wasn’t a hero known for messing up or accidentally getting their civilians killed.