A review by megmoggs
Running in Heels by Helen Bailey


This book was a joy to read. It follows the story of Daisy Davenport, a spoilt teenager that has it all: a massive house, a hot boyfriend, a gang of super cool girl friends and all the expensive shoes and accessories you could want. Wait, she has a pony too. Can't forget Polly.
But this all changes when her father is sent to jail for corruption, and her family's name is plastered over the newspaper headlines is a not-so-great light. Things only get worse when the family have to move to an apartment above a Kebab Shop and Daisy is told she has to transfer to Bensham High, a state school packed jam with chavs...

I laughed throughout the entire book, even when Daisy was at her all time low, her narrative voice was amusing and gave a different and unique way of looking at life. Her life at Bensham was hell: the girls all hated her for being such a "snotty cow" and jeered at her, picking at everything she did. But one girl, Mel, makes her life a pure misery. Pranks are being played on her everyday, she is framed for being the bully, she is cornered in the toilets, called horrible names and her homework is scribbled on.

Like many others, one thing did annoy me. Apparently her brother Aston is so lazy he'd take any chance to be 'vertical.' Something a bit wrong there, maybe, Helen Bailey? ;) Most lazy people I know like to be horizontal.

But the ending didn't fail to make me grin. I won't say why, that would be spoiling it. But I do recommended this book, it's fairly inspirational, it's funny and and it's a nice break from vampires and werewolves. ;D