A review by ngreads
The Negotiator by Dee Henderson


When I went into this book, it was with really low expectations. I was borrowing it from a friend who wanted me to check it out for the fun of it. All I wanted was a cheesy Christian romance/thriller (which I NEVER read), and that’s what I got.

Did it get a bit cringey on occasion? Yes.

Were some moments REALLY cheesy? Yes.

Did I have fun? Absolutely.

It was a light little read in a genre I never touch, and it actually impressed me in a few ways. In particular, what I had dreaded was the Christian element. I like books that bring in faith in subtle, nuanced ways that bring the point across without preaching and talking down to me or trying to simplify what faith actually is. I had expected this book to be preachy as all heck, but it actually wasn’t. Where a couple things were a bit on the nose, I found that I didn’t cringe every time someone tried to talk about Christianity, and I really appreciated it.

Overall, fun little read. Nice to dabble in something different.