A review by nadyne
A Christmas Tree by Charles Dickens


First sentence: "I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree."

Last sentence: "This, in remembrance of me!"

After I finished reading 'A Christmas Carol', I thought of reading another one of Dickens' Christmas story and I started this one, not knowing that it was only a short story, a very short one (around 20 pages), and perhaps not even a story, more like an essay. I don't know what to think about this. The story starts promising enough when Dickens starts remembering Christmas Trees from the time he was a boy, but soon he starts talking about horror stories from the past. This gave the feeling that he wrote this piece (fiction, non-fiction?) without much consideration and thought.

Certainly 'A Christmas Tree' cannot be compared with 'A Christmas Carol'.