A review by libbygb
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco


This book was deeply disappointing. I gave the first two books in the series 4 stars and waited by the window all day for the finale to be delivered. But this was not good at all.

The plot made absolutely no sense. It felt like the author was grasping at straws and then frantically trying to make it make sense, but it just didn’t match up to the plot laid out in the first two books.

The characters were completely different. Emilia apparently had a personality transplant while Wrath had the personality of a vanilla wafer.

And the sex…I saw a review from a young teenager saying they were completely caught off guard by the explicit nature of this book. I agree- you shouldn’t go from cute romance in the first two books to extremely sexualized in the last book without a warning label, especially when you have young readers in your audience. This is marketed as young adult but it’s definitely more NA/Adult…or whatever 50 Shades of Grey is!

Here’s my warning label to you: BEWARE, this book is the most disappointing series finale I’ve read in a long time.