A review by popgoesbitty
Fight or Flight by Samantha Young


*edit: I came back to this 2 days later and couldn't believe I gave it a 3. We are rounding this baby DOWN today.

CWs: domestic physical assault, attempted sexual assault involving a child, maternal death, infidelity

2.5 stars reluctantly rounded up to 3. I am *CONFLICTED*.

Let's start with why this book was a solid 5 stars for the first 50%. The MMC is hot--a Scottish accented, big, burly bearded dude. And the FMC/narrator was hot, too. They had excellent physical chemistry, and I loved that the steamy action got going quickly--before the 70 page mark! No slow burns here. The characters were pretty likable. The MMC was a tad too cranky and unkind toward the FMC for what appeared to be no reason in the beginning, but the author softened him up enough to keep me intrigued, mostly to find out the "why" behind his tough exterior. The writing is well-paced and a pleasure to read in big chunks. The forced proximity, stuck-at-the-airport hook in the beginning is super cute. I loved that, despite the cartoonish, rom-com cover (when will publishers stop lying to us romance readers?!), the novel had a dark, higher stakes edge. As a huge fan of dark romance picking up something that appeared to be on the lighter end, I really appreciated this.

And oh, the supporting characters! The FMC's best friend should have a book of her own. Her story line ran alongside the main plot beautifully and her past tied in with the narrator's really well. The MMC's brother was incredibly lovable (and also hot), and I wish he had made his appearance earlier in the novel. Overall, this book had a really likable cast of characters and is where most of the star-power originates in my rating.

Now onto why the novel quickly dipped into 2-star territory for the last 50%. I'm usually leery of contemporary romance novels that exceed 350 pages. I'm not saying novels in the subgenre can't be complex. But given the typical formula for these books, I often find they simply don't need that much time to get the job done. Fight or Flight was one of the contemporary romances that reinforced this exact idea. And it always happens right around the same place: when the two leads have a falling out.

...and Fight or Flight was no exception. From about 55% to 85%, there is a lot of unneeded plot. I will say, this is also where most of the best friend's drama happens, which I had no issue with. But the leads' plot stuff was so incredibly unnecessary. There's an added love interest who does nothing for the story, a couple poorly-executed jealousy moments, some really dragged out dialogue, all resulting in about 100 extra pages that sucked ALL of the energy out of the extremely well crafted first half. Ugh.

The biggest disappointment of the book also happens during this time, and it sadly undermines the MMC's entire character... and even the author...
Spoiler*CW: abortion and abortion shaming* It occurs during a much-anticipated conversation between the narrator and the MMC. It's where we finally get to see the "why" behind the MMC's tough exterior. And it all boils down to his "hurt" over a past girlfriend getting an abortion. I was HORRIFIED as I read the conversation and I couldn't believe a book written FOR women had this type of verbiage: "She killed my baby" and "How could she be so selfish, so vain." Furthermore, the FMC contributes to the conversation with "How could someone do that?" Unbelievable.

I really hoped that a book published in 2018 wouldn't push this type of rhetoric, and it definitely single-handedly knocked stars off my rating.

The physical chemistry between the leads alone would've been enough to carry me through the less exciting parts of this novel, but there were just too many flaws for me to overlook. I'm left feeling like this story was a hugely missed opportunity.