A review by alextweetsbooks
A.J.'s Angel by L.A. Witt


I feel like I have to start with the fact that I am not too fond of cheaters. It feels a bit icky but the book still sounded interesting and I have loved all L.A. Witt’s book I’ve read before.

Seb’s ex-boyfriend Luke suddenly comes back to his life, looking cocky and sure and with no regrets. And what is worse, he comes asking for a tattoo and Seb can’t really turn him away. This then results in time spent alone and eventually the two hook up.

The story was okay, but I was a bit bothered by the fact that, yes, the two hook up, but then Seb seem to think better of it. If it finished like that…I’d be okay with it. But of course this is a romance, so I knew what I’ll get in the end.

I also knew this was a novella, but one of my complaints is that Luke’s apology is quick and while it did feel quite realistic, and harsh, it was over so quickly. Seb gives him a huge benefit of doubt despite the fact that Luke has repeatedly cheated on him.

I think if this was longer, Luke’s redemption would be better, more developed, and would feel less like Seb just jumping back in. But, on the other hand, I have seen what love does to people and how they can trust even when they shouldn’t, and at least in this case, it works out for both of them.

I did really enjoy revelation of who A.J. is and what was their influence on Luke’s life and future decisions.

It’s an okay book, not one of my favourites, but still, it is a quick and angsty read. Although if the reader is really against cheaters, this may not be for them.