A review by kelleemoye
Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black, Justine Larbalestier


Well, I was torn between zombies and unicorns before reading this book. They are both so different, but I knew I had to choose a side. While the Unicorn side put up a brilliant fight with superb stories like Meg Cabot's "Princess Prettypants" and "The Care and Feeding of your Baby Killer Unicorn" bu Diana Peterfreund. While all the unicorn stories were good, I just felt that the zombie stories put up a better fight. I believe the Zombie team won *sorry Holly :(*

Every zombie story, for me, was exceptional. From Alaya Dawn Johnson's LBGT zombie story "Love will tear us apart" to Libba Bray's bleak "Prom Night"... just fantastic! I can't even pick favorites because I really did enjoy them all. I was most excited about Carrie Ryan's "Bougainvillea" because it is another story in the world of her novels and I loved the first 2 novels. Maureen Johnson's addition was funny, Scott Westerfeld's and Cassandra Clare's hopeful, in some ways.

The mix of the book overall was fabulous though. The banter between Holly and Justine between stories were always laugh out loud and the combination of romance, humor and, I guess, post-apocalypic stories were perfect.