A review by jooniperd
Stray Love by Kyo Maclear


maclear is such a great writer. i feel like she really got into the head of this mature-before-his-years character. the idea of belonging - where one fits it? - and identity - what is their identity? how can you know yourself if you don't know your parents? - are expressed beautifully in this novel.

my only regret is that because of work commitments and lack of time, i could not read this book in a shorter amount of time. i think i would have been impacted even more strongly had i been able to read it over a couple of days, rather than more than a week.


21-feb-13: this is a review in progress, sorry for the mess. :)

Where do we belong in this world? If we aren't even certain of our own origins, how can we possibly make our way in this world without a foundation of support and love? Especially "How?" if the person trying to figure this out is an eleven-year-old boy?

In a beautiful and poetic novel, Kyo Maclear looks at these questions and tries to help makes sense of a world that is determined to judge, label and put everyone in a tidy, little box. For a boy who is neither black nor white, someone who is without parents and just wants to belong, finding the answers to the important questions is a lifelong search.
