A review by bellefarren
Viable Threat by Julie Rowe


5/5 stars

I received this advanced reader copy in exchange for a fair and honest review from Entangled Publishing via netgalley.

First of all, let's just appreciate the utter art that is this cover. I think I was drooling the first time I got a look at it.

This book was such a fresh breath of air for romance, it was filled to the brim with intelligent characters (including high ranking, fabulous women) and the plot was wrapped around a biotech terrorist attack that had me on my toes the entire time.

This followed Walter River, an army medic who is called into El Paso, Texas, where there was an unknown outbreak of a man-made pathogen, which was killing and infecting people rapidly. River is put in charge of protecting microbiologist, Ava Lloyd (and all round kickass)as she is tasked with finding the site of the outbreak.

Together they end up being ~*almost*~ blown up five times, held at gun point, shot at and kidnapped.

The two main characters had my heart within the first couple of chapters, their witty banter and strength made me oddly protective of the two. Together they continuously had me in stitches, their banter was hilarious but the way they interacted together was even better. This was a romance between two people who had an immense amount of respect for each other, River only ever supported Ava in her position of authority and never undermined her.

Unfortunately, the big mystery of who was behind the terrorist attack was never really a mystery to me. I picked out the mastermind before I even knew there was supposed to be a mastermind, just by how the character was set up to be over eager and a little shifty.

The description of everything was clear and beautiful, every little thing was painted perfectly in my head but I wasn’t overloaded with inane details that made the story drag. There was a lot of technical jargon, that honestly sometimes left me needing to kindle ‘definition’ the hell out of it, but most of the time it was explained in such a way that I could pick up the basic drift of what the words meant without needing an encyclopedia.

There were a few hilarious moments like when River just happened to have a condom on him, even though they were in the middle of fighting a terrorist who had set off a deadly pathogen with the death toll at roughly six-hundred? All I could hear when I was reading this part was River’s favourite saying—

“I’m a firm believer in plan for the worst, hope for the best. Proper preparation and attention to safety protocols can mitigate a lot of the danger.”

He was definitely prepared.

Honestly though my favourite character might have to be Drill Sargent “DS”, despite the fact he was only in the story for a short portion. He was bloody hilarious omg

“Shut your pie hole, all of you,” DS yelled. “If I have to come back there, you’ll all wish your mother had swallowed.”

The ending was absolutely adorable, and like usual, I wish I was able to read more about their lives after everything was resolved. I'm already sure this series will be an absolute favourite of mine, I can't wait until the next book is out! (literally crying bc this isn't even published yet omg the wait might kill me lmao)


To-be published on the 22nd of May, 2017.